Looking for that edge when solution selling? Change the conversation with Telstra’s LIT building campaign!

Mario Meneses Mario Meneses Telstra BDM at Dicker Data
David Haris David Haris Telstra BDM at Dicker Data
David Haris Mario Meneses

It’s LIT! When you sell connectivity with Telstra

Selling Telstra Internet Direct and unlocking bonus credits direct for you customers has never been so easy.

Benefit from commissions on connectivity

Telstra operates via an agency model, which means partners are eligible for commission, instead of purchasing product or services and then applying a mark up to achieve the desired margin. To make the process even more enticing, once the sale has been processed all billing is managed through Telstra, so the aftercare component of your work is simplified without the financial outlay.

The Ease of Selling Telstra through Dicker Data 

We are experts in Telstra data and IP solutions. We focus on Telstra so you can focus on customers. Partners who didn’t sell data yesterday can sell data today, by utilising our skills as a distribution partner. Including Telstra data in your solution offering is simple for you to add-on to the sale and reap the benefits of the commissions through selling connectivity. We will guide you through the process, so you can be confident your customers will get a great solution and service, and you earn more by offering a complete solution.

Telstra’s Lit Building campaign makes it easier to sell

What is a Lit Building?

A Lit building is a site which has existing Telstra Fibre with a Network Termination Unit (NTU). An NTU connects customer data or telephone equipment to a carrier line that comes into a building or an office. Dicker Data Telstra Services can do a feasibility search to confirm if your customers building is a Lit Site.

What is the Lit Building campaign and offer?

The Lit Building campaign was introduced to increase the utilisation of existing Telstra fibre assets. The campaign offers customers very attractive upfront credits where a Lit site exists and double upfront credits when combined with eligible products and services.

What is the opportunity for partners? 

The key opportunity for partners is the ability to win new business with the aggressive commercial offer and reduced deal cycle times. In addition, the double upfront credits on attached services enables you to broaden the conversation beyond carriage and provide a complete solution.




Dicker Data Rewards Partners for selling Telstra Internet Direct

Telstra Internet Direct (TID) is a dedicated high-performance, secure, commercial-grade connection to the public internet and is a great way to introduce carriage to your solution offering. TID is one of the products included in the Lit Building campaign and is easy to sell, easy to implement, cost-effective and reliable.

Plus, as an added benefit to partners, Dicker Data currently have a TID rewards program so you can earn points to redeem on prizes for every TID sold.

Watch Now - Lit Building Partner Briefing Webinar

Watch the recording of the Lit Building Partner Briefing webinar to find out how to identify and qualify opportunities in the Telstra Lit Building Campaign. 

Contact telstra.sales@dickerdata.com.au with any questions. 


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