You’ve moved to Office 365 and now it’s critical to tackle the daunting task of managing users and workloads before they become overwhelming. You want to avoid the pitfalls of compliance and governance concerns, coexistence challenges and risks of security threats.
The Quest On Demand SaaS platform is designed to address this challenges. Watch this short video with Cameron Dench, your local Quest Software solution consultant to find out the key business challengers around running Office 365 and a brief overview of the functionality of the Quest On-Demand Platform.
On-premises migrations are largely a thing of the past, with migrations to Office 365 the normal, but what if you go through a merger or acquisition and need to merge or migrate two or more Office 365 tenants? The Quest On Demand Migration SaaS solution is one simple and secure solution to address this need.
For a quick rundown of this solution, check out this short video from Cameron Dench, your local Quest Software solution consultant.
On the back of Covid19 work arrangements, Microsoft has seen an explosion of Teams usage here in Australia and across the globe, Teams has quickly become the number one platform for employee collaboration for many businesses. With this quick startup and growth, management and governance control has often been an afterthought for many organizations. Watch this short video from Australian based Rohan Springett who will explain how Quest’s On-Demand platform can take care of your Teams lifecycle management around migration, governance and compliance.
Looking for a streamlined security, compliance and change auditing solution for a hybrid Microsoft environment? If the answer is yes, watch this short video from Rohan Springett, Solution Consultant Quest Australia, he will go through the Quest On Demand Audit SaaS solution which provides visibility and insight into all configuration, user and administrator changes made across AD, Azure AD, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business and Teams.
Watch this short video from Quest’s Solution Consultant Danny German around why it is important to have a recovery plan around your Hybrid Active Directory environment. Active Directory has been around for 20 years, it’s reliable, it just works, but more and more systems are now reliant on it. What happens if it goes down – can your company still work with-out it?
With On Demand Recovery, you can quickly and securely back up and recover Azure AD and Office 365 to eliminate downtime with no impact on end users.
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To learn more about Quest's On Demand Platform, please check out the resources available on our dedicated Quest resource hub.
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