Businesses are embracing digital transformation (DX) to optimise business processes and meet the evolving expectations of customers in the fast-moving digital economy.

Justin Farrow Justin Farrow Solution Architect at Dicker Data
Justin Farrow

5-Steps to Digital Transformation

Businesses are embracing digital transformation (DX) to optimise business processes and meet the evolving expectations of customers in the fast-moving digital economy. An effective DX project can increase employee productivity, improve customer retention, ensure better customer acquisition, increase customer satisfaction and help you generate more revenue.

There’s a good chance that DX will fundamentally change how your business operates at a basic process level. As such, effective DX requires a strong commitment to organisational change management and a thorough deployment strategy with buy-in from all levels of your business.


It's also a good idea to call in DX deployment partner - according to the 2019 Business IT Trends Annual Report, technical expertise from partners is the number-one critical success factor fro a DX project.

1. Assess your market position

Technology has fundamentally changed customer expectations, so it’s important to understand where your industry is headed and where you see your position in your evolving market. In other words, you need to know what your customers want and how you’re going to deliver it – today and tomorrow. This will set a baseline vision for your DX project and form the basic blueprint for its deployment.

2. Set your DX goals

To get the best ROI from your DX project, it must be aligned to specific business goals. Effective DX isn’t about retrofitting a few apps, but rather calls for a complete reassessment and potentially a thorough redesign of operational processes across your organisation. Be clear about where your business is headed, how you want DX to expand your competitive advantage and how it will power the ongoing evolution of your business.

3. Audit your digital transformation

DX relies on the free flow of data between software applications in order to create a real-time view of the entire customer journey. You’ll need the server and network infrastructure to power this data flow, and your current infrastructure will help you determine whether to choose an on-premises, cloud or hybrid server infrastructure.

4. Seek organisation-wide support

Before you start designing your new DX-powered operational processes, it’s vital to seek support from all levels of your organisation. This includes your frontline employees. Consult them about the challenges they face and how DX tools might help solve them. This will create cultural change from the bottom up and ensure your team fully embraces the new DX functionality you’re investing in.

5. Design your customer journey

The customer journey should always be at the heart of a DX project. It should create a unified pipeline that supports the customer experience at every touchpoint along the way. Be clear about how you want to manage each step in the customer-journey pipeline and you’ll be better able to select the right DX tools and software for the job. Stay focused on maximising the value your customers receive at each step in the journey and you’ll be well on your way to creating a dynamic organisation for success in the digital era.


For more information about how to get your digital transformation started, check out Digital transformation: What it is and why you should care.

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